Car seat safety

Visit one of these interactive websites below to learn more about the right seat for your child's age, weight, and height.  These tools provide helpful information on how to choose and use a car seat.  Learn how to fit and test a child’s harness, and test whether the car seat is installed tightly enough in the car. 

Most car seat manufacturing companies offer installation tutorials and live virtual assistance specific to your car seat make and model by telephone, live chat, and virtual appointments.  

Click to visit your Car Seat Manufacturer's website.

ultimate car seat guide

Safe Kids Worldwide

Learn basic tips to keep your child safe at every age and every stage.

The right seat


Easy-to-use tool that helps you find the right seat for your child.

Car seat basics course

National Safety Council

FREE introductory online course for new parents and caregivers.

Car Seat Check Appointments

Virginia Beach Fire Department offers free car seat checks and installation assistance with a nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) by appointment only. Please call 757-385-2875 for assistance or to request an appointment. 

To book an appointment with a VBFD CPST: CLICK HERE


MILITARY FAMILIES: Navy Region Mid-Atlantic offers free car seat checks and installation assistance with a nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technician by appointment only at Dam Neck Fire Station and Oceana Fire Station. Please call 757-433-2043 for assistance on base.

To book an appointment with a CPST on-base, call 757-433-2043


The National Safety Council offers free virtual car seat checks and car seat education/assistance with nationally certified CPSTs.

To schedule a virtual car seat check with a CPST: CLICK HERE


Additional nationally certified CPSTs may be available in your area. Simply fill in the online form and search by location, language or special needs training.

To contact a local CPST to book an appointment: CLICK HERE


about the Appointment

-VBFD has a limited number of trained CPSTs that will gladly assist you by appointment only. 

-Certified CPSTs are trained to teach you how to install your car seat, not install it for you. Please be prepared to learn. 

-If you are expecting, try to schedule an appointment several weeks prior to your baby's due date just in case you deliver early.

-If your child is already born, know your child's weight and height. 

-Please attempt to install the seat in your vehicle before your car seat checkup appointment.

-Bring the car seat instruction manual and the vehicle owner's manual with you to your appointment.

-Appointments typically take 30 minutes, depending on the car seat and the vehicle; however, the technician should take all the time necessary to ensure that you feel competent and confident in re-securing the car seat into the vehicle and re-buckling your child into the car seat on your own.

additional tips and resources

-Always REGISTER your car seat with the manufacturer for safety updates and recalls.

-Free child safety seats and booster seats may be available for income eligible children through the Virginia Department of Health. Visit the Low Income Safety Seat Program website for more info.

-Review Virginia's Child Safety Seat Laws and requirements.

-Interested in becoming a nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technician? Visit HERE to find a training course near you.