Preschool resources

Virginia Beach Fire Department is committed to the safety of our community by providing virtual resources and in-person visits to our city's preschools and daycares.  We encourage you to share these resources with your staff, students, and families. 

To schedule a visit to your preschool, please submit a 

Community Event Request Form online. 

Firefighters are Community Helpers: Watch the video to see our VBFD firefighter showing Sparky his turnout gear.

Tour the Fire Station: Check out a virtual tour of our fire station, including a close up look at a fire engine. 

Visit for printable activities, games, and more videos. 

more virtual resources and videos

Learn Not To Burn PreK-2nd Curriculum

The LNTB Preschool Program was developed for children ages 3-5.  Visit the website below to download the free lesson plans in English or Spanish.

USFA Sesame Street

This program shows educators how to empower children ages 3-5 with essential fire safety information and skills that can make a big difference in case of an emergency.  Free lesson plans, games, music and activities.

Visit the VBFD Virtual Safety Library 

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visit the VBFD Virtual safety Library!

Click on the pictures below to open books and activities

VBFD Virtual Library 2022-23