Older Adults
did you know?
At age 65, older adults are twice as likely as the population at large to be killed or injured by fires. By age 75, that risk increases to three times that of the general population—and to four times by age 85.
One in three older adults will experience a fall, sending an average 1 in 17 to the emergency department each year in the US
Fire Safety
Stay in the kitchen with your cooking.
Never cook or smoke when you are drowsy.
Do not smoke with an oxygen tank present.
Keep anything that can burn 3 feet away from heating devices.
Have working smoke alarms and know your escape plan out of the house. Practice it to see how quickly you can get out of the house.
Smoke is the deadliest part of the fire. Know to get down low when leaving the house.
Call 911 from outside of the home in the event of a fire and never go back inside once you have left the house.
Keep essential items like glasses or walkers near your bed at night.
Fall prevention
Let your doctor know if you have any issues with falling to assist you with a plan of action.
Remove tripping hazards and keep exits clear from any clutter.
Keep moving and look into exercises which promote good balance.
Use assistive devices if necessary and install grab bars and nonslip aids in the bathroom.
Make sure you keep living areas well lit.
NFPA: Fall Prevention Safety Cards
Are you at risk for falling? Take this QUIZ to find out.